Mouni Roy created panic on social media amid lockdown, bold pictures shared

Mouni Roy shared bold pictures

 Actress Mouni Roy, who has made a name in the film world after TV, is often on social media through her pictures.  Shortly before, Mouni Roy shared his latest pictures on social media.  See below pictures of Mouni Roy…

Mouni Roy is completing her hobbies due to lockdown

 Mouni Roy is with her sister these days and at this time she is fulfilling her every hobby.

Mouni Roy shared Throwback Photos

 Mouni Roy is also sharing old photographs for her fans on social media.  These pictures surfaced are old.

Mouni Roy is remembering the old days

 At the time of lockdown Mouni Roy is reminiscent of her old days.  Mouni Roy is very fond of traveling and she is unable to do so due to lockdown.

Mouni Roy shared bikini photos

 Mouni Roy's bikini pictures are being well liked on social media and there are frequent rains of comments on these photos.

Mouni Roy is a water baby

 Along with traveling, Mouni Roy is also very fond of swimming.

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